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ISO 17025 

One ACCREDITED system of Competence Management for Equipment Testing and Calibration Laboratories  accredits your laboratory operations and your company in the face of the requirements of customers and certifying bodies. With MAX CONSULTING, your company progresses faster.

A  ISO/IEC 17025is the standard for management system in laboratories that was published byInternational Organization of Standardization (ISO)together with theInternational Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). In Brazil, the publication is made by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), and the standard is namedABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17025. Laboratories wishing to demonstrate their competence must implement the requirements of the standard and undergo an audit by the accreditor. In Brazil only theINMETROis authorized to give such accreditation.  

implant the
iso/iec 17025

between 6 and 12 months

6 monthsit is a viable deadline, as long as your team dedicates the necessary effort and follows all the consultant's guidelines. We transmit knowledge and train everyone. We also carry out the Uncertainty calculations. Everything so that your company masters the requirements of the standard and is prepared to receive the external audit and achieve accreditation by INMETRO.

How will we make your company achieve accreditation?

  • We will deliver theready management modeland we will help your team adapt to the format of your laboratory and company.


  • we will give thecourses for everyone to master the norm:Internal Auditor Training; Interpretation of ISO 17025. (Check out the courseshere)

  • We will do a Internal audit at the endto make sure everything is ok!

  • We will be present at the visit of the External Auditor, to give youmore security of accreditation!

  • we will always beavailable, Mon. on Friday, from 9am to 5pm,by the Max Consulting Platform (conheça here


  • We will celebrate the accreditation of your company together!

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